Wildsteer knives offer some of the best , most exciting ultimate outdoor knives money can buy. Founded in 2004, it features knives designed by Edouard de Buyer, an extremely active practitioner of outdoor archery whose passion for the subject drove him to design these knives. The original Wildsteer knife turns out to be good for outdoor activities, survival and everyday outdoor life as well as for archery purposes. The original Wildsteer knife is extremely tough, having been made from a single piece of solid stainless steel and made life easy for the Archer who puts a stray arrow in a tree. Since the products success they have gone on to produce a number of other knife ranges that include the “Baby Wild”, the “Wild Tech”, the “Wild Tactic” and the “X Wild” as well as a number of others including a folding knife (wild 79) and a bowpack. If Archery is your thing then youve just got to have a custom Wildsteer knife by your side -it goes without saying so dont delay, take a look at the listings shown below.