Factory X Back in 2005, the Factory X company set up in business, originally as the LMTD Group, Inc. as a leading speciality distributor of licensed prop replicas. Then in 2006 they acquired Palisades toys and also the sale of a related sword company in mid 2006, and as a result they changed their trading name to Factory X distribution where they continued with their distribution of knives and swords as well as replica items that include the likes of collectible toys, non-firing replica firearms and prop replicas for stage work and collectors. Factory X is actually the owner of a number of different brands such as LMTD, Factory X, Palisades Toys, Crittaz and Freakables. It also distributes a number of other well known replica prop brands such as Denix replica firearms, Art Gladius, Muela knives and others. If you are into your fantasy props, replica swords and axes then take a closer look. |
| Part Description | Quantity Avail. | Price |
| Factory X Throwing Tomahawk - FX310B Factory X Throwing Tomahawk 19 7/8 overall. 6 1/2" black finish carbon steel axe head with 3 3/4" cutting edge. Brown hardwood handle. Bulk packed." | 8 | $21.67 |
| Factory X Viking Throwing Axe - FXH52 Factory X Viking Throwing Axe. 23 5/8 overall. Rustic forged steel axe head. Hardwood handle. Bulk packed." | 8 | $25.94 |
| Factory X Viking Bearded Axe - FXH53 Factory X Viking Bearded Axe. 23 5/8 overall. Rustic forged steel axe head. Hardwood handle. Bulk packed." | 8 | $25.94 |
| Factory X Hero Axe - BRK-FX1002
| 8 | $68.12 |
| Factory X Shield - BRK-FX2005
| 3 | $112.81 |
| Factory X Steel Shield - BRK-FX2010
| 8 | $74.87 |
| Factory X Axe - BRK-FX310A
| 8 | $22.00 |
| Factory X Axe - BRK-FX310E
| 8 | $28.56 |
| Factory X Frankish Axe - BRK-FX310H
| 8 | $26.60 |
| Factory X Frankish Axe - BRK-FX310I
| 8 | $44.42 |
| Factory X Tomahawk - BRK-FX310ILE
| 8 | $52.40 |
| Factory X Frankish Axe - BRK-FX310J
| 8 | $33.13 |
| Factory X Frankish Axe - BRK-FX310K
| 8 | $46.03 |
| Factory X Tomahawk - BRK-FX310P
| 8 | $36.37 |
| Factory X Axe - BRK-FX310S
| 8 | $28.24 |
| Factory X Viking Battle Axe Of Ragnar - BRK-FX310V
| 8 | $77.40 |
| Factory X Tomahawk Engraved Brass - BRK-FX316
| 8 | $23.32 |
| Factory X Revolutionary Mini Hawk - BRK-FX330M
| 8 | $15.99 |
| Factory X Axe Frog - BRK-FX508
| 8 | $10.67 |
| Factory X Axe Frog - BRK-FX510
| 8 | $10.67 |
| Factory X Axe Frog - BRK-FX511
| 8 | $10.67 |
| Factory X Tomahawk - BRK-FX52LE
| 8 | $39.57 |
| Factory X Tomahawk - BRK-FX53LE
| 8 | $39.57 |
| Factory X Pipe Axe - BRK-FXN11
| 8 | $25.62 |
| Factory X Saxon Warrior Spear - BRK-FXN12
| 8 | $74.32 |
| Factory X Spear Head - BRK-FXNOAL12
| 8 | $26.60 |
| Factory X Spear Head - BRK-FXNOAL20
| 4 | $26.60 |
| Factory X Old West Padlock - BRK-FXONC69
| 8 | $22.00 |
| Factory X Old West Handcuffs - BRK-FXONC70
| 8 | $21.67 |
| Factory X Civil War Youth Sword - BRK-FXSN002
| 4 | $45.38 |
| Factory X Early Scottish Dirk - BRK-FXSN008
| 3 | $42.33 |
| Factory X Crusader Sax - BRK-FXSN009F
| 8 | $51.76 |
| Factory X Roman Pugio - BRK-FXSN018
| 8 | $46.03 |
| Factory X Scottish Dirk Dagger - BRK-FXSN020
| 8 | $54.30 |
| Factory X Sword - BRK-FXSN058
| 8 | $99.81 |
| Factory X Roman Dagger - BRK-FXSN066
| 8 | $49.22 |
| Factory X Roman Gladiator Sword - BRK-FXSN10C
| 8 | $80.47 |
| Factory X Early Viking Sword - BRK-FXSN606A
| 8 | $62.81 |
| Factory X Medieval Sword With Scabbard - BRK-FXSN609
| 8 | $80.47 |
| Factory X Naval Boarding Cutlass - BRK-FXSN610
| 8 | $64.37 |
| Factory X Twisted Hilt Claymore - BRK-FXSN612
| 7 | $156.25 |
| Factory X Sword - BRK-FXSN640
| 8 | $103.38 |
| Factory X Crusader Style Templar Sword - BRK-FXSN642
| 8 | $95.63 |
| Factory X Sword - BRK-FXSN700
| 5 | $91.41 |
| Factory X Sword - BRK-FXSN824
| 8 | $64.37 |
| Factory X Sword - BRK-FXSN85261
| 8 | $99.81 |
| Factory X Sword - BRK-FXSN85262
| 5 | $91.41 |
| Factory X Sword - BRK-FXSN909T
| 6 | $155.31 |
| Factory X Civil War Confederate Sword - BRK-FXSNA11
| 3 | $64.37 |
| Factory X Confederate Officers Sword - BRK-FXSNA16
| 8 | $70.60 |
| Factory X Civil War Troopers Sword - BRK-FXSNA17
| 8 | $58.09 |
| Factory X Civil War Foot Officers Sword - BRK-FXSNA18
| 7 | $70.60 |
| Factory X Sgian Dubh - BRK-FXSNB11
| 8 | $32.47 |
| Factory X British Light Cavalry Saber - BRK-FXSNG8
| 6 | $187.50 |
| Factory X Roman Sword - BRK-FXSNM3
| 8 | $115.15 |
| Factory X U.S. Foot Officers Sword - BRK-FXSNS110A
| 5 | $70.60 |
| Factory X Decorated Pipe Tomahawk - BRK-FXXN331
| 8 | $35.07 |
| Factory X Red Straight Sword Hand Forged - BRK-SX1201
| 8 | $64.94 |